Doing the same and expecting a different result | Letter to the Editor

I feel compelled to act because I am concerned about the future of our town Black Diamond. My grandfather volunteered as a marine patrol officer on Lake Sawyer, a Covington Water District commissioner, president of the Historical Society, and city Planning Commissioner. Everywhere he went I went with him.

I saw firsthand how people and government can be effective. And I can see the difference between then and now.

It is totally clear that the incumbent mayor lacks any ability to bring people together and get things done. She is a failure as mayor, making Black Diamond a laughing stock with her out of control behavior and outbursts at council meetings. Any business would have fired her long ago for the way she speaks to her colleagues.

Why would anyone think re-electing the incumbent or council candidates who support her terrible governing is a good idea? She has already proven she cannot manage the current construction project, as anyone can see by the Roberts Drive fiasco.

We need new leadership. I will be voting for Judy Baxley, Michelle Young and Ed Hanrahan, the best chance for our city to move forward to a bright future.

Kelley Sauskojus

Black Diamond