Thank you, police officers | Letter to the Editor

This week I decided to go to a local coffee shop and give the establishment money to buy coffee for any police officers who might show up that day.

This week I decided to go to a local coffee shop and give the establishment money to buy coffee for any police officers who might show up that day. It was my intent to show appreciation for their efforts in the community. Sadly I was informed that the officers would not except any form of gifts. Of course this made sense, it would be a prudent choice in this day and age. Then the manager informed me that someone had complained about the officers gathering at said coffee shop. These folks meet after their shift to talk and wind down I would think.

So I want to take this opportunity to thank all the police officers who wear the badge especially those in my community. I am fortunate to have men and women who maintain the law to protect me, my family and my property. I appreciate all of you.

Oh, and for the person who felt these police officers should not gather with their comrades to relax and have a cup of coffee. Mind your own business. I’ll bet you could not cut one day in their shoes. Too bad the establishment can’t ban you from the shop. Get a life and go to the back of the line!

R.M. Gaebe

Maple Valley