Vote for Jennifer Harjehausen for Covington City Council | Letter to the Editor

Jennifer Harjehausen has been a pillar in the Covington community for more than 13 years.

As I sit down to write this letter, I think: wow, of all the people I know in our great community, there is no one more deserving to boast about for this endorsement. I first got the privilege of meeting Jennifer during a PTA meeting at Cedar Valley Elementary School in 2009. Jennifer immediately stood out from the crowd as a leader and advocate who genuinely cares for our children and displayed the talent and skills to do anything she set her mind to. As the years went on, Jennifer quickly because the “go to” person for everything PTA and beyond. She even led the charge to save Cedar Valley from closure. What I admire most about Jennifer is her constant desire to grow in knowledge to become a greater asset and expert in her endeavors.

Jennifer has proven herself time and time again as an invaluable advocate for our children and our community. If you value integrity, character and a woman not afraid to get her hands dirty and tackle tough issues, vote Jennifer Harjehausen for Covington City Council – Position 2!

Sharon Games
